Atos partners with AWS to supercharge cloud adoption
Atos CloudCatalyst is a powerful solution, set to transform the global infrastructure outsourcing industry. We are migrating our customers' critical systems and workloads from managed on-premise to managed on the world's leading cloud.

Atos partners with AWS to supercharge cloud adoption
Atos CloudCatalyst is a powerful solution, set to transform the global infrastructure outsourcing industry. We are migrating our customers' critical systems and workloads from managed on-premise to managed on the world's leading cloud.

Solving data sovereignty and security
How we build data compliance and security into the fabric of your cloud infrastructure.
Automating migration with Landing Zone as a Service
Complexity meets its match with our tried and tested automation technology.

Mainframe to cloud: tackling complexity
See how CloudCatalyst makes even the most complex migration achievable.
Supporting sustainability
Cloud is now a powerful partner in achieving your sustainability goals. See why.

The generative Al opportunity
Cloud and gen Al: a marriage made in heaven.
Addressing your challenges
Learn about how Atos CloudCatalyst address the challenges in cloud migration.

Industry sectors under the spotlight